Songs For The Unsung Clinical Research Heroes

Welcome to a confluence of the quiet contributors. The unsung heroes of our industry that contribute toward clinical research in countless ways. Ways that are far more impactful than visible. What better way to celebrate these invisible, unsung heroes than to have a personal song for each!

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Jay Smith


In the heart of the night, with keyboard in sight,
Jay taps away 'til dawn,
Friendly and keen, a coding machine,
With logic that's never gone.

[Verse 2]
Loops and arrays, in intricate plays,
He builds a world so bright,
Analytical mind, one of a kind,
His code's a pure delight.

Oh, Jay's got the rhythm, the swing in his stride,
In the world of software, he's our trusted guide,
With a click and a clack, he never looks back,
Crafting dreams in lines of code, he's got the knack.
