Songs For The Unsung Clinical Research Heroes

Welcome to a confluence of the quiet contributors. The unsung heroes of our industry that contribute toward clinical research in countless ways. Ways that are far more impactful than visible. What better way to celebrate these invisible, unsung heroes than to have a personal song for each!

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Started with a canvas, now running with the canvas shoes,
Kate, the queen with her independent moves,
Brushstrokes of freedom, marathon grooves,
Paint dripping on the pavement, making artistic news.

5k track conquered, energy never lacks,
Crossed the line like a masterpiece snap,
No brushes, just Nike, not just talkin' caps,
Life's her gallery, marathon’s the latest lap.

Art in motion, no still life's potion,
Pulse keeps jumpin' like the ocean,
Kept the pace, perfect devotion,
She's paintin' life, fluid emotion.
